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The idea of developing the bookGlobal Law: Legal Answers for Concrete Challengeshas its origin in the intense internationalization process ofSão Paulo Law School of Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV DIREITO SP). The fact that FGV DIREITO SP has received a considerable number of foreign visiting professors over the last eight years in itsGlobal Law Programand has participated actively in the constitution and development of theLaw School Global League (LSGL)were the starting point for the structuring of this book.The main objective of theGlobal Law: Legal Answers for Concrete Challengesis to allow the discussion of themes considered global from different points of view, but with an emphasis on the Brazilian vision.On the other hand, the editors believe that there is a growing public of lawyers and non-lawyers interested in the themes and type of approach of this book, not only in Brazil, but also in many other jurisdictions.TheGlobal Law: Legal Answers for Concrete Challengesis composed of four sections that put together related papers with thematic affinity. These sections are: i) Regulation and the Relationship between Public and Private Sectors; ii) Corruption Systems and Systemic Corruption; iii) Environment and Human Rights; iv) Globalization: Technological Innovation and New Legal Paradigms. The editors made a brief explanation at the beginning of each section to give the reader an opportunity to be acquainted with the theme and main characteristics of each paper. It is import

Detalhes do produto

Peso: 0,355 kg
Número de páginas: 286
Ano de edição: 2018
ISBN 10: 8536280344
ISBN 13: 9788536280349
Altura: 21
Largura: 15
Comprimento: 2
Edição: 1
Idioma : Inglês Americano
Tipo de produto : Livro
Assuntos : Concursos & Exames
Assuntos : Legislação e Códigos

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