Hey, quit stalling! Its time to pick up the latest and coolest English lingo the lingo absent from the usual textbooks and the traditional classroom. Study the spoken language and you will find yourself becoming a more confident speaker. Avoid those uncomfortable silences when you need a snappy response, but nothing appropriate pops into your head! Lets put that dusty old tome of bookish English back on the shelf and focus on the real English the way it is actually spoken not that dull stuff your old fogey teacher rams down your throat. You have in your hand a collection of the most up-to-date informal vocabulary currently in use by natives of English-speaking countries, as they actually use English in online comments, internet forums, newspapers, magazines, comics, movies, soap operas, commercials, even those raunchy porno sites! Street Lingo provides tons of non-watered-down vocab and expressions, all of them as used in real-life... yknow... the kind of stuff you hear every day that is spoken everywhere! Getting fluent in English has never been so much fun!Ei, chega de embromation! Tá na hora de aprender um inglês mais atual e descolado aquele inglês que não está nos livros didáticos nem na sala de aula. Comunique-se co
Peso: | 0,41 kg |
Número de páginas: | 300 |
Ano de edição: | 2015 |
ISBN 10: | 8536643080 |
ISBN 13: | 9788536643083 |
Altura: | 21 |
Largura: | 14 |
Comprimento: | 2 |
Edição: | 1 |
Idioma : | Português |
Tipo de produto : | Livro |
Assuntos : | Educação |
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