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In this YA contemporary queer romance from the author of Hot Dog Girl, an openly gay track star falls for a closeted, bisexual teen beauty queen with a penchant for fixing up old cars. Now available in paperback! In this YA contemporary queer romance from the author of Hot Dog Girl, an openly gay track star falls for a closeted, bisexual teen beauty queen with a penchant for fixing up old cars. Now available in paperback! Morgan, an elite track athlete, is forced to transfer high schools late in her senior year after it turns out being queer is against her private Catholic school´s code of conduct. There, she meets Ruby, who has two hobbies: tinkering with her baby blue 1970 Ford Torino and competing in local beauty pageants, the latter to live out the dreams of her overbearing mother. The two are drawn to each other and can´t deny their growing feelings. But while Morgan—out and proud, and determined to have a fresh start—doesn´t want to have to keep their budding relationship a secret, Ruby isn´t ready to come out yet. With each girl on a different path toward living her truth, will they be able to go the distance together?

Detalhes do produto

Peso: 0,333 kg
Número de páginas: 352
Ano de edição: 2022
ISBN 10: 0593112555
ISBN 13: 9780593112557
Altura: 21
Largura: 14
Comprimento: 2
Edição: 1
Idioma : Inglês
Tipo de produto : Livro
Assuntos : Literatura Juvenil

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