Categoria: Literatura Infanto Juvenil

The Renegades: Flames Of Amazonia Selby,david Dorling Kindersley

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Katelyn, Mo, and Leon have a new enemy – fire-breathing creatures destroying the Amazon rainforest! Can the Renegades save the human race before the world goes up in flames In this fast-paced action-adventure series, The Renegades are called upon to use their superpowers to combat threats to the world’s climate.   Holed up on a ranch in Texas, the Renegades are recouping after their Arctic adventures. But a bout of mysterious fires soon sees them fly off to the Amazon, where deadly fire-breathing creatures called Flamejantes are destroying the rainforest. Katelyn, Mo, and Leon must team up with local indigenous activists to stop them. And it looks like something – or someone – sinister is behind the creatures’ sudden appearance...   Combining urgent issues about the climate emergency and exciting new superheroes with unique powers, this graphic novel is not just a gripping adventure but an important discussion of climate change and its potentially devastating consequences.

Detalhes do produto

Peso: 0,481 kg
Número de páginas: 96
Ano de edição: 2021
ISBN 10: 0744036755
ISBN 13: 9780744036756
Altura: 24
Largura: 18
Comprimento: 1
Edição: 1
Faixa etária inicial : A partir de 10 anos de idade
Idioma : Inglês
Tipo de produto : Livro
Assuntos : Literatura Infanto Juvenil

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