Categoria: Cursos Para Adolescentes

Wider World 2 Students Book And Workbook With Digital Resources + Online - American Edition Hastings, Mr Bob Pearson

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The Students´ Book contains: Eight units with 70–100 hours of teaching material, plus a Welcome Unit. Clear lesson objectives (“I can …”) taken from the Global Scale of English (GSE). Thorough vocabulary learning program with motivating presentations and helpful wordlists. Two types of grammar modeling, a photo story for contextualization followed by a comic strip in the Get Grammar section, acknowledge the needs of younger students. Reading comprehension work presents texts in different genres and develops strategies. Writing tasks follow a process approach, in which students brainstorm ideas, write a draft, and share it with a peer before creating a final version of their text. Four BBC Culture lessons with BBC videos and projects. CLIL lesson in every unit. Language review at the end of every unit and Skills Review for every two units. Workbook units with additional grammar, vocabulary, and skills practice to reinforce the Students’ Book content. Access code to the Pearson English Portal and online practice on Pearson Practice English app.

Detalhes do produto

Peso: 0,415 kg
Número de páginas: 176
Ano de edição: 2019
ISBN 10: 1292306939
ISBN 13: 9781292306933
Altura: 29
Largura: 21
Comprimento: 1
Edição: 1
Idioma : Inglês Americano
Método de ensino : Ensino orientado pelo professor
Tipo de ensino : ELT - Inglês como Língua Estrangeira ou 2ª Língua
Assuntos : Cursos Para Adolescentes

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