Categoria: Literatura Infanto Juvenil

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JINGLE: a light clinking or tingling sounds, often heralding the approach of Santa, reindeer, or the mysterious thief of a priceless possession . . . Griffin Bing and his friends are NOT happy. Instead of going away for winter break, they´ve been signed up to volunteer at a local Christmas extravaganza . . . as elves. It´s not easy being an elf. Not when Santa is bad news and Rudolph is being played by a Doberman who makes up his own rules wherever he goes. But being an elf is nothing compared to being blamed when a prized Christmas possession -- worth over ten million dollars -- is stolen right from under your nose. It´s time for these elves to get off the shelf and track down a Christmas thief!

Detalhes do produto

Peso: 0,136 kg
Número de páginas: 208
Ano de edição: 2017
ISBN 10: 0545861446
ISBN 13: 9780545861441
Altura: 1
Largura: 13
Comprimento: 20
Edição: 0
Idioma : Inglês
Tipo de produto : Livro
Assuntos : Literatura Infanto Juvenil

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