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Audrey Hepburn charmed audiences in the 1950s as a new type of cinema personality—gamine, doe-eyed, and refreshingly casual. By the 1960s she had transformed into a trendsetting sophisticate and achieved unrivaled careers as an actress, model, moviestar, and champion for underprivileged children worldwide. Curator and photographic preservationist David Wills has amassed one of the world´s largest private collections of original Audrey Hepburn photographs. Now, in Audrey: The 60s, he has gathered spectacular museum-quality work from her key photographers—Richard Avedon, Bert Stern, Cecil Beaton, Douglas Kirkland, William Klein, Terry O´Neill, Howell Conant, Bob Willoughby, Pierluigi Pratulon, Bud Fraker, and many others—to create this stunning portfolio of images that pays homage to the most beloved and enduring style icon of the “decade of change.” Among the highlights: Rare and classic images digitally restored from their original negatives and transparencies. Never-before-seen publicity photos and candids from the sets of Breakfast at Tiffany´s, Charade, My Fair Lady, How to Steal a Million, and Two for the Road. Unpublished outtakes and rarely seen images from Vogue fashion sessions, some not published since their original appearance. Previously unpublished photos by Bert Stern, Cecil Beaton, Douglas Kirkland, William Klein, Howell Conant, Bob Willoughby, Pierluigi Pratulon, and many others. Pairing more than two hundred first-generation photos with reflections and origina

Detalhes do produto

Peso: 1,9 kg
Número de páginas: 296
Ano de edição: 2012
ISBN 10: 0062209019
ISBN 13: 9780062209016
Altura: 30
Largura: 24
Comprimento: 4
Idioma : Inglês
Tipo de produto : Livro
Assuntos : Biografias e Memórias

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